Wednesday, February 13, 2013

One year.

At this time last year, I was sleeping.  Oh, the joys of an overnight shift.
But in all seriousness, at this time last year I was single.  Fresh off a breakup.  Living in Chicago.  And working in radio.
At this time last year, I also met Spencer.

After a day of running around downtown, turning stories for a radio station that no-longer exists, I opted to go to the Chicago Reader's Anti-Valentine's Day Party at the Logan Square Auditorium. A couple of my friends, already in relationships, were headed there.  I went alone, got there way before them, and made random conversation with Ashley, Spencer's sister.  She then introduced me to him once he came inside from a smoke-break (a year later that habit is long gone).

I love this picture because if you look closely you can see Spencer and I during one of our first conversations.  We're in the lower left-hand corner.

We spent the rest of the evening chatting.  Left together and said our goodbyes on the train.  The next morning as I trudged to work, he text me.  Funny, I still remember where I was sitting and how much I smiled to hear from him.

Anyway,  I'm feeling sappy today.  Not because it's Valentine's Day but because a year ago I met this great guy who is now a major part of my life.  

Friday, February 01, 2013

Wear Red Day

It's national Wear Red Day.  A day to raise awareness about women's heart health.  About heart disease, which kills more women than all forms of cancer combined.  Interestingly, while heart disease takes the life of 1 in 3 woman, apparently only 1 in 5 think they are at risk.  I know I'm at risk, at least with the weight I've been carrying. So I'm happy to say on this 'heart healthy' day, I've been doing something about it.  I've lost ten pounds since the beginning of the year.  Weight Watchers and working out.  It makes reporting all these heart disease statistics on our morning program today a little less scary for me:)