Friday, August 12, 2005

So we did Upper Dewey Lake on Wednesday. It took quite a while, and at one point I nearly threw up, but I did make it. Upper Lake is right between these two mountain peaks, making the view up there beautiful. And we did swim, although I don’t know if you can call it swimming since I only dunked my head twice because the water, which is glacial runoff, was freezing. I’m so relieved the whole hike is over with though, not that it wasn’t worth it, but all summer I had been dreading it because it is such a steep journey.

Hmmm what else.

The last week or so we’ve eaten dinner with a variety of people. Last Saturday Allison and I ate dinner with Alisa and Holly, two sisters who are in Skagway for the summer and who remind Allison and I of ourselves. Although they use phrases such as, “Cute!” all the time and Allison and I usually stick with “Cock!” Then on Sunday Sheila, Allison, and I went to the Pizza Station with Ed, an older guy who works for White Pass. Yep. And then Wednesday night we went ate dinner with a bunch of White Pass employees who invited us over. Not that anyone really cares. But I haven’t written in my journal all summer so I’ll probably just end up printing these blogs out for memory sake, and damn it, I want to remember that yes, I did have friends in Skagway.

Allison, Walker, and I were the only people working today because there was only one cruise ship in town, so we had what Al and I called a “negligence party.” Basically we took extra long breaks and got stuff done while on the clock because we only had each other to report to.

Tonight is Sheila’s last night in town so we invited her to eat dinner with us before we have our farewell drinking party with her. I’ll miss my roommate, but I won’t miss hearing her blow dry her hair at 4 a.m.

Oh, and randomness. Last night Allison made us tacos for dinner and she went to the trouble of making guacamole for us to eat with them. Anyway, she set the finished bowl of guac on the table and moments later Bob, the same guy who peed on our couch, is leaning over the table to read something while she shaves with an electric razor! He was shaving right over our food. Allison nudged me in shock and we both froze as we watched him. Al finally walked over and scooted the bowl over in disgust. I was laughing so hard I was nearly in tears, don’t think Bob even noticed.

Home in exactly one week. In Venezuela in about three.

Ooo and I have 52 hours in the last four days that I’m working next week.

Anyways, hope all is well. Much love.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's fun to read about your adventures and misadventures. Apparently, Alaska's having a heat wave (,1674,113%257E7244%257E3007099,00.html)
