Friday, December 07, 2012

Crafts by the Christmas Tree

Proud to say, I have a real Christmas tree.  Spencer and I picked one up from a tree farm earlier this week.  We had this grand idea that we'd find the perfect tree that we'd then cut down ourselves.  Well, we cut down a tree.  But it was a weak looking one.  The best trees were already gone.  Shortly before leaving we found a pile of imported pre-cut trees at the farm and we did the unthinkable.  Took one of them instead, and placed the tree we'd just cut aside.  I know, awful, but we love our tree now.  No lights yet, that's tonight.  But here's a sneak peak.

 Last weekend was spent in the Chicago area, going to funerals.  Two women, mother to girls my age, passed.  It was tough.  Just a minute ago I was thinking about Frosty the he ran around the streets of town even though he knew his end was near because of that damn sun.  I guess those funerals, coupled with the holidays and loss of my mom have put me in an odd mood.

Work is going well.  Loving that they give me eight days off before the end of the year, even though I just started there in August.  I took three days off this past week.  Gave me the chance to go out in the evening like a normal person, not someone who works at 11:30 pm.  And to craft.  I finished this tree skirt...

I couldn't even tell you how I made it.  It involved a lot of random cutting.  And if you look closely, it's a mess.  My other big project, which is really just a test-run of a bigger version down the road.  Spray painting  a rug...

The rug, $1.50 from Walmart.  Some painters tape and standard spray paint, and voila!  I tried this same project last week with acrylic paint and a paintbrush.  It looked awful.  Next up, a bigger rug.
And finally, another craft project I finished about a month ago ago.  This...
I doesn't look like much, as I need to get a third mason jar...but it's a planter.  Planning to grow some herbs in the jars, which will be hung on the wall, out of the reach of the cats.

And so the weekend begins.  One with little plans, which means it should be amazing.  We're hoping to go see the Trans-Siberian Orchestra live on Sunday.  Looking into tickets in a bit.  We randomly were talking last night about how cool a live show of theirs must be, I looked into it and, of course, they're playing down the street Sunday.

Peace, love, and a five dollar growler fill (because it's Friday and that's what Friday means to me).

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