Monday, December 10, 2012


I have a job, I pay my bills, I take care of myself.  It's how it's been for years now.  In fact, I lived alone, with no roommate for nearly five years up until September when Spencer joined me in Indianapolis.

I've had to get used to some less-than-ideal things, at least I thought I had, but right now I can't come up with any.  Really.  Okay, maybe I'm a little annoyed by dirty clothes scattered here and there...and that when he throws plastic bags under the sink for re-use he ties them in a knot first.  But really, that's the most I've had to 'deal' with.

The truth, have a roommate and living with Spencer is amazing.  He makes me coffee as I get ready for work, if I'm sweating as I straighten my hair he doesn't even flinch at running upstairs to grab the fan.  He's taken on my pets as his own, feeds them and probably takes Zoe out more than I do.  And this morning, or last night, however you want to look at it, he continued his streak.  I woke up for work to find, on the kitchen table, all the grocery items I'd mentioned we needed just hours earlier along with some cash and a coupon for an oil change, which he insists I need to get immediately.  It was a tiny gesture in the overall scheme of everything he does for me, but it's a good example of why my life in Indianapolis is going so well.

I can take care of myself.  I always have.  But man, it's really nice having someone else look out for me too.

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