Monday, August 06, 2012

Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks

Six days until the big move.  Budget truck booked, movers scheduled, utilities ordered to be shut off/turned on, address changed set I just have to crate train Zoe.  I refuse to let her use my new home as a literal dumping ground.  Bought a crate yesterday, had her sleep in it last night, and got no sleep.  She cried all night.  All night.  The crate was in my bedroom, where her 'bed' normally is.  Around 3 am I set it on top of a box and scooted her so she was right beside the bed, at eye level with me.  The throaty whines and cries continued.  I rested my hand in the cage, hoping to sleep that way, and relax her a little.  The cries continued.  I finally settled on ear plugs.

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