Sunday, August 21, 2005

so i'm home.

the flight home wasn't too bad and these people i barely knew who were on the ferry to juneau with me drove me around with them during my six hour layover and i got a free crab dinner, valued at $30 dollars, from some family friend of theirs and got to see a movie...which totally beat sitting in the Juneau airport, looking at the mass quantities of stuffed animals they have displayed.

we had to put Bailey to sleep the day i got home, which was friday. it was awful. mom had warned me that she was sick but i thought she would last a little longer until i saw her and realized that unless we took her to the vets right away she would die in our front yard. it was really rough. and despite the fact that she was only seven years old, it was her time to go.

i miss allison!! and i know she loved reading that. but she's called me pretty much every night since i got home and given me alaska updates. oh and she gave me a kick-ass going away goody bag as i got on the ferry thursday, complete with vegan food and a comfy bra that she knew would work wonders while abroad.

ha and some random guy paid for our chipotle on friday after my mom joked that he could go ahead of us in line if he bought her a burrito. when we went to check out we were informed that he had already paid for our entire meal, including drinks. he was headed out the door by the time we found out and apparently wanted no recognition whatsoever because he just nodded his head at us and walked out after mom exclaimed, "Did you really pay for our meal??" we've been analyzing why we did it every since.

the girls came to visit me in the burbs on friday night. it was so great to see them.

but yeah. i've just been packing and trying to get stuff done before i leave Sunday morning for Semester at Sea. i am unbelievably excited.

it's good to be home for this week though, if not to just catch up with everyone so that they don't completely forget about me. my cell phone works right now and i'm reachable, but only for a week, so call me and update me on life.

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